Secret Sharing (Secret Sharing)

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Secret Sharing is the splitting up of a secret amongst a group such that no individual can learn the entire secret alone, but when a sufficient amount of the group comes together with their parts of the secret, they can reconstruct the secret.


$n$: size of the group the secret is being shared with

$t$: threshold number of players

Table of Algorithms

Name Year Time Space Approximation Factor Model Reference
Shamir's scheme 1979 $O(t^{2})$ for secret computation? (requires polynomial interpolation) $O({1})$ per person, $O(t^{2})$ to figure out secret? Exact Deterministic
Blakley's scheme 1979 $O(t^{3})$ for secret computation? (requires linear solver) $O(t)$ per person, $O(t^{2})$ to figure out secret Exact Deterministic