Metricity (Metricity)

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Given an $n\times n$ nonnegative matrix $A$, determine whether $A$ defines a metric on $(n)$, that is, that A is symmetric, has 0s on the diagonal, and its entries satisfy the triangle inequality.


n: dimensionality of matrix

Table of Algorithms

Currently no algorithms in our database for the given problem.

Reductions TO Problem

Problem Implication Year Citation Reduction
Negative Triangle Detection if: to-time: $O(n^{2}) + T(O(n), O(M))$ where $T(n,M)$ is nondecreasing
then: from-time: $O(n^{2}) + T(O(n), O(M))$ where the metricity problem is on $(n)$ s.t. all distances are in $(-M, M)$
2018, Theorem 5.2 link

Reductions FROM Problem

Problem Implication Year Citation Reduction
Negative Triangle Detection if: to-time: $O(n^{2}) + T(O(n), O(M))$ where the metricity problem is on $(n)$ s.t. all distances are in $(-M, M)$, and $T(n,M)$ is nondecreasing
then: from-time: $O(n^{2}) + T(O(n), O(M))$
2018, Theorem 5.2 link