4SAT (Boolean Satisfiability)

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4SAT restricts the boolean formula to CNF with (at most) 4 literals per clause

Related Problems

Generalizations: k-SAT

Related: SAT, Conjunctive Normal Form SAT, Disjunctive Normal Form SAT, 1-in-3SAT, Monotone 1-in-3SAT, Monotone Not-Exactly-1-in-3SAT, All-Equal-SAT, Not-All-Equal 3-SAT (NAE 3SAT), Monotone Not-All-Equal 3-SAT (Monotone NAE 3SAT), 2SAT, 3SAT, 3SAT-5, Monotone 3SAT, XOR-SAT, Horn SAT, Dual-Horn SAT, Renamable Horn, MaxSAT


n: number of variables

Table of Algorithms

Name Year Time Space Approximation Factor Model Reference
Hertli (Modified PPSZ) 2014 $O({1.46899}^n)$ $O(kn)$ Exact Randomized Time