General Linear System (Linear System)

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A system of linear equations (or linear system) is a collection of one or more linear equations involving the same set of variables. This is typically written in the form $Ax=b$ where $A$ is a matrix and $x, b$ are vectors. In this case, we impose no restrictions on $A$.

Related Problems

Subproblem: Sparse Linear System, Positive Definite, Hermitian Matrix, Non-Definite, Symmetric Matrix, Toeplitz Matrix, Vandermonde Matrix

Related: Positive Definite, Hermitian Matrix, Non-Definite, Symmetric Matrix, Toeplitz Matrix, Vandermonde Matrix


n: number of variables and number of equations

m: number of nonzero entries in matrix

k: ratio between largest and smallest eigenvalues

Table of Algorithms

Name Year Time Space Approximation Factor Model Reference
Gaussian-Jordan Elimination -150 $O(n^{3})$ $O(n^{2})$ Exact Deterministic

Time Complexity Graph

Linear System - General Linear System - Time.png

Space Complexity Graph

Linear System - General Linear System - Space.png

Time-Space Tradeoff

Linear System - General Linear System - Pareto Frontier.png