Rectangular Window (Line Clipping)

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Line clipping is the process of removing lines or portions of lines outside an area of interest. Typically; any line or part thereof which is outside of the viewing area is removed. Here, the viewing area is rectangular.

Related Problems

Generalizations: Convex Polygonal Window

Related: Convex Polyhedral Window


$n$: number of lines

Table of Algorithms

Name Year Time Space Approximation Factor Model Reference
Cohen–Sutherland 1967 $O(n)$ $O({1})$ Exact Deterministic Time
Liang–Barsky 1984 $O(n)$ $O({1})$ Exact Deterministic Time
Nicholl–Lee–Nicholl 1987 $O(n)$ $O({1})$ Exact Deterministic Time
Fast clipping 1987 $O(n)$ $O({1})$ Exact Deterministic Time

Time Complexity Graph

Line Clipping - Rectangular Window - Time.png

Space Complexity Graph

Line Clipping - Rectangular Window - Space.png

Time-Space Tradeoff

Line Clipping - Rectangular Window - Pareto Frontier.png
