2-dimensional Convex Hull, Online (Convex Hull)

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Here, we are given the input points one by one, and must maintain the current convex hull after each input point.

Related Problems

Generalizations: 2-dimensional Convex Hull

Related: 3-dimensional Convex Hull, d-dimensional Convex Hull, 2-dimensional Convex Hull, Dynamic


$n$: number of line segments

$h$: number of points on the convex hull

Table of Algorithms

Name Year Time Space Approximation Factor Model Reference
Incremental convex hull algorithm; Michael Kallay 1984 $O(n \log n)$ Exact Deterministic Time
Online 2-d Convex Hull, Preparata 1979 $O(logn)$ per operation, $O(n*log(n)$) total $O(n)$ Exact Deterministic Time


