Safety in MDPs (Model-Checking Problem)

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Given a model of a system and an objective, the model-checking problem asks whether the model satisfies the objective.

In this case, the model is a Markov Decision Process (MDP), and the objective is safety: given a set of target vertices $T\subseteq V$, determine whether there is an infinite path that does not visit any vertex in $T$ (i.e. you want to avoid all vertices in $T$).

Related Problems

Generalizations: Safety in Graphs

Subproblem: Disjunctive Safety Queries in MDPs, Conjunctive Safety Queries in MDPs

Related: Reachability in MDPs, Disjunctive Reachability Queries in MDPs, Conjunctive Reachability Queries in MDPs, Conjunctive Safety Queries in MDPs, Disjunctive Queries of Safety in Graphs, Disjunctive coBüchi Objectives, Generalized Büchi Games


$n$: number of vertices

$m$: number of edges

$MEC$: O(\min(n^2, m^{1.5}))

Table of Algorithms

Currently no algorithms in our database for the given problem.