Strong Connectivity (dynamic) (Strongly Connected Components)

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maintain: a directed graph, under edge insertions/deletions, answer: is the graph strongly connected?

Related Problems

Related: Strongly Connected Components, Transitive Closure, Maximum Strongly Connected Component, 2 Strong Components (dynamic), Connected Subgraph


$V$: number of vertices

$E$: number of edges

Table of Algorithms

Currently no algorithms in our database for the given problem.

Reductions FROM Problem

Problem Implication Year Citation Reduction
Triangle Detection let $\gamma = (w-{1})/(w+{1}) \in ({1}/{3},{0.408})$
if: to-time: $O(m^{2\gamma-\epsilon})$ update and query times even after O(m^{1+\gamma-\epsilon}) preprocessing time for any $\epsilon > {0}$
then: Strong Triangle is false
2014 link