Triangle Detection (Graph Triangle Problems)

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Determine whether or not there is a triangle in a given graph

Related Problems

Subproblem: Negative Triangle Detection, Nondecreasing Triangle, Minimum Triangle, Triangle in Unweighted Graph, Triangle Collection*

Related: Negative Triangle Search, Negative Triangle Listing, Nondecreasing Triangle, Minimum Triangle, Triangle in Unweighted Graph, Triangle Collection*


$n$: number of nodes

$m$: number of edges

Table of Algorithms

Currently no algorithms in our database for the given problem.

Reductions TO Problem

Problem Implication Year Citation Reduction
Independent Set Queries if: to-time: $O(n^{2} / \log^c n)$ to answer all subsequent batches of $\log n$ independent set queries from a graph that takes $O(n^k)$ time to preprocess for some $c,k > {0}$
then: from-time: $O(n^{3} / \log^{c+1} n)$
2018, Theorem 6.5 link
Dynamic st-Reach assume: SETH
then: for any fixed constants $\epsilon > {0}$, $c_1,c_2 \in ({0},{1})$, on graphs with $n$ nodes $|S|=\tilde{\Theta}(n^{c_1})$, $|T|=\tilde{\Theta(n^{c_2})}$, $m=O(n)$ edges, and capacaties in $\{1,\cdots,n\}$, target cannot be solved in $O((|S|T|m)^{1-\epsilon})$
2014 link
Strong Connectivity (dynamic) let $\gamma = (w-{1})/(w+{1}) \in ({1}/{3},{0.408})$
if: to-time: $O(m^{2\gamma-\epsilon})$ update and query times even after O(m^{1+\gamma-\epsilon}) preprocessing time for any $\epsilon > {0}$
then: Strong Triangle is false
2014 link
Dynamic Bipartite Maximum-Weight Matching let $\gamma = (w-{1})/(w+{1}) \in ({1}/{3},{0.408})$
if: to-time: $O(m^{2\gamma-\epsilon})$ update and query times even after O(m^{1+\gamma-\epsilon}) preprocessing time for any $\epsilon > {0}$
then: Strong Triangle is false
2014 link
Disjunctive coBüchi Objectives assume: Strong Triangle
then: there is no combinatorial $O(n^{3-\epsilon})$ or $O((k\cdot n^{2})^{1-\epsilon})$-time algorithm for any $epsilon > {0}$ for generalized Büchi games. In particular, there is no such algorithm deciding whether the winning set is non-empty or deciding whether a specific vertex is in the winning set.
2016 link
Disjunctive Reachability Queries in MDPs assume: Strong Triangle
then: there is no combinatorial $O(n^{3-\epsilon})$ or $O((k \cdot n^{2})^{1-\epsilon})$ algorithm for any $\epsilon > {0}$ for target. The bounds holf for dense MDPs with $m=\Theta(n^{2})$
2016 link
Disjunctive Queries of Safety in Graphs assume: Strong Triangle
then: there is no combinatorial $O(n^{3-\epsilon})$ or $O((k \cdot n^{2})^{1-\epsilon})$ algorithm, for any $\epsilon > {0}$ for disjunctive safety (objectives or queries) in graphs.
2016 link